Vuoden artikkelin palkinto 2023 – Michelle Liu: Mental Imagery and Poetry

Vuodesta 2015 alkaen Suomen Estetiikan Seura on myöntänyt palkinnon vuoden parhaalle estetiikan alan artikkelilla. Tämän vuoden palkinto julkistettiin SES:n syyseminaarin yhteydessä 12.12.2023.

Article of the Year 2023

Since 2015, the Finnish Society for Aesthetics has awarded a high-quality research article in the field of Aesthetics. In 2023 the award goes to Michelle Liu for her article “Mental Imagery and Poetry” (The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 81, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 24–34).

In her article Liu analyses the way in which the psychological and philosophical concept of “the mental image” can be helpful in exploring the role of images in poetry beyond the traditional ekphratic approach. Liu shows how the ekphratic approach can be enriched rather than replaced by a deeper understanding of the relationship between mental imagery and poetry.

Liu also argues that an analysis of mental imagery in poetry offers a potential solution to “the heresy of paraphrase”, the idea that the imagist effects in poetry cannot be paraphrased without them losing their effect. The capacity of language to evoke mental images opens the possibility of finding a suitable prose paraphrase which does justice to the poem.

The article tackles an interesting and important topic in the field of aesthetics and literary studies from an enlightening perspective. It is strengthened by the acuity of argumentation and conceptual clarity which contribute to the article being worthy of this recognition.

The recipient of the award was chosen by Jussi Pentikäinen (Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki) on behalf of the Finnish Society for Aesthetics.