Vuoden globaali esteettinen teko -palkinto: The Little Princess Trust

Vuoden globaali esteettinen teko -palkinnon saaja julkistettiin Suomen Estetiikan Seuran syysseminarrin yhteydessä 12.12.2023. Palkinnon saajaksi nimettiin tänä vuonna The Little Princess Trust.

The Global Aesthetic Achievement of the Year 2023

The Little Princess Trust has been gifting free wigs to children and young people with hair loss since 2005. In doing so, the charity has promoted discussion about the dimension and relevance of aesthetics in everyday life and its connection to ethics and personal identity beyond commercial interests and influences.

The charity has diligently highlighted the importance of being able to express one’s identity in a way one chooses regardless of age, state of one’s health, and financial status. Additionally, relying on donations, the Little Princess Trust has brought attention to the duty of social care we all share in our everyday lives and to the potential low threshold actions, such as donating hair, that can improve the aesthetic well-being of others.

For these reasons, the jury deems The Little Princess Trust to fulfill the criteria of the Global Aesthetic Achievement of the Year Prize for its long-standing and praiseworthy work.

The Prize winner was chosen on the behalf of the Finnish Society for Aesthetics by Nemesio García-Carril Puy (PhD, Complutense University of Madrid), Onerva Kiianlinna (Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki) and Alpo Väkevä (Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki).